You will be completing 1 or 2 product assignments to give you experience in some of the activities that are part of this career. Follow the steps below to complete your experience. Click the arrow buttons to move forward/backward or use the arrows on your keyboard.
1. Watch the Goal, Role, Audience, & Situation video.
2. Review the vocabulary needed to help you complete the project.
3. Review the research resources needed to help you complete the project.
4. Choose a product to begin work on, review the details, and complete the design process.
5. Upload your finished product assignment into the system.
Goal: As a pipefitter and steamfitter, your goal is to provide the proper design and laying of pipes in the new soccer stadium.
Role: You are a Pipefitter and Steamfitter for the Murphy Contracting Company. You will be responsible for designing and laying pipe for the Soccer Stadium.
Audience: Your audience will be co-workers, management, and the city of St. Louis.
In May of 2020, the Murphy Company, a mechanical contractor headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, won the mechanical and plumbing contract for the St. Louis Major League Soccer Stadium Project. Located in the Downtown West District, the new 22,500 seat soccer stadium next to Union Station is an exciting addition to St. Louis. This stadium includes administrative offices and practice fields. During the announcement of the contract, Piipefitters and Steamfitters put their skills to use as they helped build the soccer stadium and install all plumbing for restrooms, restaurants, and water lines. They will work hard to make sure the stadium is up and running by 2022.
The following terms and definitions may be helpful for your work:
Aeration- Intimate mixing of water and air. Increases the content of dissolved gasses in the water, particularly oxygen. Used to oxidize dissolved materials in water for removal in a water treatment system
Atmospheric Vent- A pipe leading from a piece of equipment (such as flash tanks, blow-off basins, exhaust steam systems)
Automatic Vent- A vent that automatically allows the escape of gases from a confined space without letting the processed fluid escape
Back-Pressure Valve- An automatic control valve that reacts to maintain a pressure on the inlet side of the valve
Cleanout- A fitting with a removable plug that is placed in plumbing drainage pipelines to allow access for cleaning out the pipe
Drain- A collector for a pipe that carries water
Water Main- A principal pipe in a system that distributes water or gas or electricity or that collects sewage
Rough Plumbing- Installation of plumbing system before installation of fixtures
The following resources may be helpful for your work:
Football Stadiums and Plumbing Systems
Pipe Design Project | Stadium Restroom Usage |
Before you begin the actual work at the stadium, you will need to create a model of where the pipes will be laid. Using paper and plastic straws, or electronically, create a model of a pipe design that could be used in the stadium. | Research 3 large sports stadiums in the United States. Gather data on stadium capacity, daily usage, and layouts of restrooms. Create three graphics of your findings and compare and contrast. |
Pipe Design Project: Before you begin the actual work at the stadium, you will need to create a model of where the pipes will be laid. Using paper and plastic straws, or electronically, create a model of a pipe design that could be used in the stadium. Designate where the restrooms, restaurants, and water facilities will be located and connect them with your pipes (straws). Label each area and show where the pipes begin and end. Make sure that you include other vocabulary in your design such as vents, valves, cleanouts, and drains. This Pipe Design Project will be used to present ideas to your manager before you begin the work.
The following resources may be helpful for your work:
Stadium Restroom Usage: Standing in long lines for restrooms has always been a topic of interest. Architects say well-designed venues should not have lines. Research 3 large sports stadiums in the United States. Gather data on stadium capacity, daily usage, and layouts of restrooms. Create three graphics of your findings and compare and contrast. What conclusions can you draw? What is the ratio of restrooms to patrons? What is the ratio of restrooms to females? Males? Do patrons differ depending on the event being held at the stadium? Do sporting events bring in more males or females? What about concerts? What considerations can you make that will help stadium owners with future restroom construction decisions? Your product will include your research, your data collection, your maps, your conclusions, and your suggestions or considerations.
The following resources may be helpful for your work: